Partner Schools and Parishes
Scholarships are open to all parishes in the Toledo area and select parishes in the Houston & Detroit areas.
Archdiocese of Detroit:
- Parishes:
- Erie St. Joseph
- Monroe St. John the Baptist
- Monroe St. Michael the Archangel
- Monroe St. Mary
- Temperance Our Lady of Mount Caramel
- Temperance St. Anthony
- Schools:
- Erie St. Joseph
- Monroe Catholic Elementary
- Parishes:
Diocese of Toledo
- Schools:
- Assumption Holy Trinity
- Bowling Green St. Aloysius
- Maumee St. Joseph
- Oregon Cardinal Stritch Junior Academy
- Perrysburg St. Rose
- Rossford All Saints
- Swanton St. Richard
- Sylvania St. Joseph
- Toledo Christ the King
- Toledo Gesu
- Toledo Most Blessed Sacrament
- Toledo Notre Dame Junior Academy
- Toledo Our Lady of Perpetual Help
- Toledo Queen of Apostles
- Toledo Regina Coeli
- Toledo Rosary Cathedral
- Toledo St. Benedict
- Toledo St. Catherine Early Education Center
- Toledo St. Francis Junior Academy
- Toledo St. Joan of Arc
- Toledo St. John’s Jesuit Junior Academy
- Toledo St. Patrick’s of Heatherdowns
- Toledo St. Pius X
- Toledo St. Ursula Junior Academy
- Whitehouse Lial Catholic School
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston:
- Parishes:
- Kingwood St. Martha
- Humble St. Mary Magdelene
- Houston Our Lady of Guadalupe
- Schools:
- Kingwood St. Martha
- Humble St. Mary Magdelene
- Houston Our Lady of Guadalupe
- Parishes:
Diocese of Toledo
- Parishes:
- Assumption Holy Trinity
- Bono Our Lady of Mount Carmel
- Bowling Green St. Aloysius
- Bowling Green St. Thomas More
- Maumee St. Joseph
- Oregon St. Ignatius
- Perrysburg St. John XXIII
- Perrysburg St. Rose
- Rossford All Saints
- Swanton St. Richard
- Sylvania St. Joseph
- Toledo Christ the King
- Toledo Corpus Christi
- Toledo Epiphany of the Lord
- Toledo Gesu
- Toledo Immaculate Conception
- Toledo Little Flower
- Toledo Most Blessed Sacrament
- Toledo Our Lady of Lourdes
- Toledo Our Lady of Perpetual Help
- Toledo Regina Coeli
- Toledo Rosary Cathedral
- Toledo St. Adalbert & Hedwig
- Toledo St. Catherine
- Toledo St. Charles
- Toledo St. Clement
- Toledo St. Hyacinth
- Toledo St. Joan of Arc
- Toledo St. John the Baptist
- Toledo St. Joseph
- Toledo St. Martin de Porres
- Toledo St. Michael the Archangel
- Toledo St. Patrick (Historic)
- Toledo St. Patrick’s of Heatherdowns
- Toledo St. Pius X
- Toledo Sts. Peter and Paul
- Walbridge St. Jerome